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Hattie Murdoch
Jess Hynes
Acoustic Clubland
The Maverick Rejects
The Singing Waiters
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The House of Sax Experience
Paul Skerritt
The Beatboxing Waiters
LMXT - Little Mix Tribute
Richard Sutton
Hip Hop Hooray
The Houndcats
Annie Lince
Annabel Pattinson
Emily Bourn
The Overthinkers
Faye Shearer
A Hot Minute
Jess Hynes Band
Richard Sutton Band
The Yo Man Funk Band
The Gatenbys
Bloxed Beats
Ada Grace - Harpist & Vocalist
Soden and Sons
David Stoker
Charlie Whyte
David Aryn
Funk Soul Sista
Union Street
C Collective
The Folk Soul Bros.
Ty Lewis
Kimberley Heron
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