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This is the The Pretty Weeds - a female fronted, North East and Newcastle Wedding Party Band, playing a range of songs from the 1950s to modern day Rock and Pop classics.


Four piece Wedding Function Band For Hire, performing an eclectic mix of carefully cultivated songs for any occasion. They are the perfect entertainment choice for your Wedding, Birthday Party, Festival etc.

Their set list includes classic songs across the decades, from Chuck Berry to Bruno Mars, including: Pretenders, Blondie, Duffy, Corinne Bailey Rae, Caro Emerald, Alanis Morrisette, Republica, Wild Cherry, The Beatles, Stevie Wonder and The Jackson Five.

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For more information about how to book The Pretty Weeds please contact the local AMV Live Music office on 0191 372 9731, email enquiries@amvlivemusic.com or fill in the simple enquiry form by clicking on the “Add to artist enquiry list” button above, and clicking on “Artist Enquiry List” at the top of the page.

You can make multiple enquiries by clicking on the “Artist Enquiry List” after you have finished looking at all your favourite acts and added them to the Enquiry List.

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Available for bookings in

North East

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