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Smoke & Honey is a sophisticated and versatile jazz and blues ensemble based in Manchester.

Manchester Jazz Band

The group comprises a number of world-class professional musicians and boasts a vast repertoire of music, from timeless classics by Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and Nina Simone, to wider genres such as soul, rhythm & blues, rock and roll, and jazz-pop. This element of their set features artists such as Norah Jones, Dusty Springfield, B. B. King, Aretha Franklin, Carole King, Eva Cassidy, Lianne La Havas, Ray Charles and many more.

Whether you’re seeking a night of jazz and blues standards, a vintage 1920s-style jazz quintet, or a modern R&B and soul quartet, Smoke & Honey will provide a stylish, high-quality and creative musical experience that’s perfectly tailored towards your event.

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For more information about how to book Smoke & Honey please contact the AMV Live Music office on 0191 3729731, email enquiries@amvlivemusic.com or fill in the simple enquiry form by clicking on the “Add to artist enquiry list” button above, and clicking on “Artist Enquiry List” at the top of the page.

You can make multiple enquiries by clicking on the “Artist Enquiry List” after you have finished looking at all your favourite acts and added them to the Enquiry List.


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